Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Thankful for Grace (helping and being helped)

I started waking today, June 9, a little after 7 it was brisk and the conditions were perfect for me. 

As I started out of town I heard a whimpering noise behind me and when I looked back it was the large chocolate lab that I had passed on a side street hobbling behind me, calling me back. I told him he couldn't  come with me he needed to stay in Itera with his family. He sat down. Apparently he was bilingual. ;)

It was a really beautiful day. 

Today's theme was gratitude. As I walked along I heard my feet say thank you with each step and my voice said it back, "thank you...thank you for continuing to walk the way! Thank you for continuing to walk  at all. You had every right to quit on me already. We have already walked over 250 miles day after day with only a few days of rest. You are troopers!!" Thank you! 

I said prayers of thank for my family who graciously supported me in this parents gave me funds to help. (Though I must say once my daddy found out I was traveling alone wasn't nearly as happy). Jim is preaching at my church while I am gone and Lindsay is taking care of the babies (maisie, piper, and delilah) as well as the house while I'm away! William checks on me often just to say "I love you." Thank you!

I said prayers of thanks for my friends who have given me constant encouragement before and along the way with things that I needed for the trip...from advice, to prayers, to equipment, to texts, Facebook posts, emails! Thank you!

I said prayers for the congregation I serve who unselfishly worked with me to come on this trip. And many of whom have taken on extra responsibilities while I'm away. They are praying for me. They check on me. They are keeping up with my progress with a map. They are amazing. Thank you. 

I was feeling so many blessings as I entered the town of Fromista. I stopped at a little shop and bought an apple and some nuts. And then walked on to find a toilet and get some coffee. I ran into a woman from Denmark I met the night before. She hadn't been feeling well after dinner and didn't look good when I saw her. She wanted to walk on but nearly passed out as we were talking. She sat down and began to tell me what was going on and tears were just streaming from her eyes--so I asked if she wanted me to find her a place to stay or what I could do. We decided on a pharmacy. So I explored and found a pharmacy and she got some medicine. I got some more supplies and then we went to a coffee shop where she took her medicine and I had coffee. She asked if she could walk slowly with me if she was feeling better. I wasn't walking slowly but I said absolutely. And we waited until she felt better. 

We walked slowly but then picked up the pace just a little. I asked occasionally how she was and at one point she said it seemed to give her energy to walk with me. I said it was because we were talking and walking slowly. At the next village we stopped again and rested. She wanted to try to go farther. So we did after a little rest. I got some beautiful pictures as we walked and talked. 

We talked more and got acquainted. But as the day heated up it started draining her energy. She was ready to stop. We got to a village with an albergue where she could rest and I asked if she wanted me to stay with her and she said no, this is your journey and you need to have your way. And then she embraced me and thanked me three times. 

So I walked on. The way was completely empty. 

I thought for a time or two I was in the wrong road because there were two roads to take. And many roads intersect. But I finally came upon a landmark. 

And then the arrows disappeared...the arrows that direct the pilgrims on the Camino. But I kept walking in what I thought was the right direction. 

I got my book out to check one more time and as I was looking at it my foot slipped on a rock and I lost my balance. It is clear that no matter how hard you try to to get your balance back with 20+ pounds on your back you will probably go down . I did...and then I got back up again. I found my way into town and stopped at the first place I saw. I decided I'd stay at this village I had enough adventure for one day.

I walked in and the owner immediately asked, "are you okay?" I told him that I had just fallen. All in English. He got out a first aid kit. It was great. I got a drink and gave me some olives. I remembered the day's theme-gratitude! I was thankful

I decided that there were only 5 more kms to the next town (and as Lindsay and I often say "I can run that...that's not too far!") so I headed out. On the outskirts of town however I saw this sign. 

Okay. 6kms. Again...thankful for my feet, legs, back!

I made it. The first albergue was full but they directed me to another..."it always has places". I got there Santo Spiritu run by the brothers and nuns of St. Vincent. It was very nice. I was met by a sister who was very matter of fact but welcomed me warmly and I was happy to be there and when she saw my pilgrim passport said in Spanish clicking her tongue, "mas kilometros". Tears streamed from my eyes as I said, "si"

After dinner I went to pilgrim's mass. It was a beautiful service. And I even saw the singing man from the day before!! 

That made me smile and say, "muchas gracias! Thank you!" 

I ended the day walking back to the albergue in a quiet rain to get ready for the next day. Grateful. Grateful for each moment. 


  1. So much adventure in one day! Thank YOU for sharing. Does this make your 3rd fall? I am glad you are ok. Hopefully that will be the last stumble for awhile (or the entire adventure). Now rest dear friend, you deserve it. I am so so proud of you!

  2. It really sounds like your day was meaningful, starting wiht the dog, the lady from Denmark and those that aided you. I read this post twice because there are so many things to catch and comprehend. You gave and received throughout the day. I'd mark this day as special.

  3. You are a strong lady. Inside and out! This sounded like a very trying day but rewarding day. Get some good rest my friend.
