Wednesday, June 30, 2010

...into grace

While bumping along the Scottish countryside in a 'wee' bus I decided to attempt to update this blog. I have several others written or sketched out but am having difficulty with Internet connectiions and time.

The Scottish countryside is vibrant and lush and green. The flowers are beautiful. We are headed to St. Andrews and the sea today to learn more and grow more about what it means to receive God's grace and live that out in community.

The bus is making it's way up the twists and turns of hills on narrow Scottis roads and it reminds me that God's call to us is on a journey, but a journey that God has traveled, and travels with us but more than that gives us companions to travel with--those of ancient days who's stories we share, those who we meet along the way and those for whom we have not yet met.

I am immersed in what I am experincing--the wonder of different cultures, the rapid, staccato of people speaking languages I do not understand, the joy of sharing God's word in community, the wonder of communicating across cultural, language, racial, denominational differences and being able to share, being able to have faithful conversations.

But I am also missing my family and friends back home. When I was a baby my father was gone a month for a trip around the world. This was at a time when instant communication was not possible. While I get frustrated that I cannot communicate as often and as quickly to everyone...this time away is helping me to think about how we can communicate better with one another.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

stumbling into grace

Sometimes we don't walk into walk or even trip into grace but rather we stumble into grace...that was me these past couple of days. As I prepared to depart Little Rock for my adventures abroad I heard from many wishing me well. I got to celebrate my daughter Lindsay's 20th birthday. I got to drive out to ferncliff camp and say goodbye to my son William. All of these are moments of grace. My flight out of Little Rock was delayed. It was apparent to many of us that all those connecting flights were going to be null and void. I couldnt get my carry on anywhere in the overhead and since I was in the front seat there was nowhere to put it underneath; a military officer saw my situation and offered to put my bag at his feet and his bag overhead. I stumbled into grace. I got to meet lots of people yesterday some were nice some were a little grouchy but they were trying to do their job which isn't always easy when people are yelling at you and the expectations are high. I stumbled into grace from the moment I awoke realizing that my daughter was now 20 years old, I have a wide variety of friends who care deeply for me, and I met someone who reminded me that there is still kindness and generosity to strangers out in this world. So here's to all of you that I had contact with yesterday whether family, friend, or stranger-- thank you for helping me stumble into grace!

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Time Keeps on Slippin,"

How in the world did it get to be June 23? I know it is because of the heat index! I know it is because William is at camp and I haven't seen him in two weeks! I know it is because Lindsay will turn 20 tomorrow! But I can't believe that this trip that I have been hoping and dreaming about for almost six months happens tomorrow.
I have to print flight information, pack, go to the store and get those last minute items that you thought were on the shelf that lo and behold aren't there (who used the last toothbrush? and where is my travel towel?) And then there is the packing for the climate in Scotland 50-60 degree weather (Mind you I'm not complaining, bragging a bit, but not complaining) and then the climate for Italy, Turkey and Greece which is a little more comparable to here. Solution? One bag going to Scotland. Lindsay will bring our clothes for the rest of the trip. We'll mail the Scotland clothes back from Germany.
I'm so excited to be able to share this trip with so many of you! There may be some days where all you will see are pictures…you know what they say, "…a picture paints a thousand words…"
Well, time keeps slippin into the future so I better get busy on my list for today…if I don't get to see you before I leave…hugs, kisses, blessings!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I leave in two days for a great adventure. I should be ready by now but I'm not quite ready to go. My sister sent me a note this morning which I want to share: You know what Dad always says, and I believe it, "God will give me the strength I need to do God's work" Of course that is biblical in Philippians 4:13. Just know we love you and have you and your work in our prayers. I replied Dad is right. And Paul was right when he wrote those words to the Phiippians. God is very good to give us the strength we need. Sometimes we just don't honor God's strength and we try to do things on our own. And sometimes we don't realize God's path and we take our own path and we get lost. And sometimes we listen to our own or other voices and miss God's still small voice as God whispers the divine loving instructions. And sometimes in the shadows we forget that God's light overcomes the darkness. That's what I have been working on this week to remember as I prepare to continue to trip into God's grace.