Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Time Keeps on Slippin,"

How in the world did it get to be June 23? I know it is because of the heat index! I know it is because William is at camp and I haven't seen him in two weeks! I know it is because Lindsay will turn 20 tomorrow! But I can't believe that this trip that I have been hoping and dreaming about for almost six months happens tomorrow.
I have to print flight information, pack, go to the store and get those last minute items that you thought were on the shelf that lo and behold aren't there (who used the last toothbrush? and where is my travel towel?) And then there is the packing for the climate in Scotland 50-60 degree weather (Mind you I'm not complaining, bragging a bit, but not complaining) and then the climate for Italy, Turkey and Greece which is a little more comparable to here. Solution? One bag going to Scotland. Lindsay will bring our clothes for the rest of the trip. We'll mail the Scotland clothes back from Germany.
I'm so excited to be able to share this trip with so many of you! There may be some days where all you will see are pictures…you know what they say, "…a picture paints a thousand words…"
Well, time keeps slippin into the future so I better get busy on my list for today…if I don't get to see you before I leave…hugs, kisses, blessings!

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