Thursday, June 18, 2015

Steeped in Grace

I started today early so that I could get to the Cruz Ferro early and maybe in peace.

I was carrying stones from the USA as well as ones I had picked up along the way...

The morning was ripe for possibilities and hope and grace. I had no idea!!!

After two kms I had my first glance of the cross. 

I was pleased and in awe. I made it this far. After spending 3 days in Burgos I just wasn't sure this day would happen. each step is grace...each step is amazing!

I placed my rocks/our was a very uplifting and emotional experience. And then I placed the rock that I found in the shape of a heart for love conquers all.

I shed my tears and I moved on, though more tears came along the way...through the day...

The way was beautiful today but very difficult. 

I tried to keep a smile on my face. 

We finallyade it to Ponferrada...

And I can tell you going downhill is still not my favorite but having done it today and not falling...getting to talk to my parents on FaceTime and seeing their joy...spending time alone and with new friends ...and hearing from so any of well as feeling God's presence even in the midst of pain...I am steeped in grace!!!

1 comment:

  1. A collection of stones is a good thing. I have them in different places. Many of them evoke good memories. When I die I wonder what will become of them. To me, they represent a talisman of good things.

    Keep on going forward in your journey. I liked the difficult terrain of today. It builds character.
