Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Photos Day 12 set 2

Forgot the map pic for today. 

What constituted the most serious roadblock for us this day. It probably stopped us for 10 minutes. They were in no hurry. Awww country life. 

Yep...uphill they go about the same speed...downhill the zoom past...hmmmmm

A church door in one of the little villages as we approached Burgos. 

Partial view of the magnificent, enormous cathedral in Burgos. 

Pilgrim tan

And the pic we took after I told my friends I was taking a day of rest in Burgos. It made us all sad and they told me I could ride the bus and catch up to them. 

My heart, body, mind, legs and spirit can keep going but my poor feet just need a day or two after 214 miles in 14 days. 

So I am gently and slowly exploring Burgos today. 

But as you can see I'm doing well!!

1 comment:

  1. When your body says rest, rest so you can resume and keep going. You've made a great start to your quest. Keep the end goal in focus. Since we are a part of God's flock, the sheep herd spoke to me from your location. Your comments thus far tell me you have benefitted from this trip. I'm happy you decided to make this effort.
