Monday, June 8, 2015

Serenaded into Grace...

So today's theme started out as peace...not sure why but that's just what I had on my mind...and as I stepped out of the albergue after a cup of coffee and a banana this is the view I had!!

So I prayed for peace for friends, and the world, and those hurt by the actions of another, and places of conflict, and those dealing with disease, grief, and on and on...I don't know why I chose peace but I did...and the cuckoo was back and it chortled at me...mocked me as I walked and prayed...

Then all of the sudden as I came into this little village seemingly out of nowhere a flock of doves flew up in the air in front of me cooing and drowning out the sound of the cuckoo. Wish I had gotten a photo. 

Moving along....I was walking along a narrow path several pilgrims ahead of me and a man was greeting pilgrims. I put on a smile and was ready with my "buenos dias". 

When he got to me he stopped me and said something about the weather being cold in the morning and warm in the afternoon. And then he told me that the scenery was beautiful just beyond (pretty sure that's what he said). Then he grabbed me and kissed me on each cheek. He said for me to have a Buen Camino. I said, "gracias" And then he grabbed me again and kissed each of my cheeks again. He told me again that I could take photos just beyond the hill. I thanked him again. And he grabbed me once more and kissed each cheek. He said adios. I said adios. (I decided to say adios instead of gracias) And he was off to greet the next pilgrim. 

He was right the scenery around the corner was beautiful. 

Went through a little village or what's left of it called San Spurs...just what's left of the church and an albergue. 

Then on to the bustling and beautiful city of Castronajariz. I stopped at the first coffee bar to use the WC get a coffee and change the shoes. 

Then it was up...up...up!!! 12% grade up 18% grade down. But the views were spectacular!

But it was HOT. Finally made it to a small picnic area in the shade and just sat for a moment. There were several groups of pilgrims there eating lunch. It was about 11. I didn't take my pack off just sat in the cool of the tree with a little wind blowing. I was just sitting different languages swirling around me much like the wind was and I wasn't paying attention...wasn't thinking at all. Then I heard "hallelujah!"  I looked up a man sitting on a bench was talking to several of his friends. I looked down the road and there I saw a man walking up. He looked to be from Spain. As he got closer the first man said again, "hallelujah"! And the man walking shouted: "Hallelujah!!" Then in Spanish he said something about praise to God and then he broke into song about brothers and sisters walking together and several other pilgrims joined in including the Italian who had walked up after me. I was moved to tears...honestly didn't understand the words but completely got the heartfelt sentiment! 

Once again I was so moved I didn't take a picture but thought as I was walking away and they were walking behind me still singing to turn and get a pic. 

I would've enjoyed walking farther today but it was so hot and the next town was another 8 kms/4 or 5 miles so I stopped a little before noon having walked about 13 miles. 

Some Irish and English folks I met are staying here at the same albergue and one of them is celebrating his birthday today so all is well. 

Those are some of the adventures today!! Thanks for sharing them with me. 

Buen Camino on whatever your journey is today. 

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are indeed spectacular. I guess unbeknownst to you, that today was made for you and you gathered in the sights and sounds and the kisses. I'd say it was a successful day. Take care and don't overdo until your feet are fully healed. Our cool days are gone and summer days are here. I get my outside work done by noon and then come in. Keep the faith!
