Saturday, May 30, 2015

Walking Through the Pain into Grace

Today I started with the phrase walking through the pain, walking in the pain. 

We stayed in Najera last night. It would have been a fun city to explore. It was on the river. But after 31 kms/19 miles I was pooped. And I got sick. Must have been dehydrated. 

I was in bed by 7. 

This morning we ate breakfast and we started out of the city. I was once again limping along. Liliane and Joelle were walking with me. Joelle was also having issues with her feet. We wee walking "slowly but surely" (French accent) because Joelle said it. 

We immediately had to climb out of the city. Uphill is actually easier than downhill. I started my mantra: "walking through the pain, walking in the pain." Once again the rhythm of my steps and the click of my walking sticks kept the phrase going...walking through the pain, walking in the pain. If you try you can hear it in your head...walking through the pain, walking in the pain. 

I thought of my grandmother who had rheumatoid arthritis from the time she was 20 and yet birthed three children, buried one of them...walking through the pain, walking in the pain. My other grandmother who lost her husband when he was young and never seemed bitter but rather was faithful and gracious...walking through the pain, walking in the pain. 

I thought of people who have debilitating diseases yet inspire others with their perseverance and grace...walking through the pain, walking in the pain. 

I thought of people in countries torn apart by war and violence; those plagued by disease; those overwhelmed by natural disaster...walking through the pain, walking in the pain. 

I thought of people out of work, out of food, no place to live. Those with too much. More work than they need. More food than they can eat. More houses than the can live in...walking through the pain, walking in the pain. 

I thought of people overcome by hatred, anger, hurt, disappointment, loneliness...just walking through through the pain, walking in the pain. 

That and a little bit of laughter with Liliane and Joelle got me through my 15 miles today. And made it another good day;)

So today. I walked through pain into grace. 

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