Saturday, May 23, 2015

Day 2 walking the Camino-downhill

Today's walk began in the rain. I heard it raining through the night over the snoring and people getting up to go to the bathroom and the other night noises. As I lay awake I wondered what it would be like walking down the mountain everyone said would be today's walk. Rain, mud, downhill didn't sound fun. 

And so we the rain. Before we got too far out of Roncevalles we passed a farm and there was a little, old man standing outside his barn waving and saying to us who passed by "Buen Camino!" Which means "have a good walk!" He asked the woman in front of me where she was from she told him Italy. He kissed me on both cheeks then he asked me to take a photo with him. 

Oh did I say it was cold too! ;)

From there it was breakfast in Berguete. Cafe au lait and an egg sandwich (so good) Ernest Hemingway stayed here often. 

Then it was walking, visiting with other pilgrims, listening to their stories, struggling to understand and translate between languages. 

Then my animal picture today was of this parent and baby horse. They came all the way across the field for me to get their picture taken...

I will say that people  kept  saying that the walk today would  be downhill and while it was not the climb we had yesterday--for miles on end--their understanding of downhill all the way and my understanding of downhill all the way are very different. 

Tonight I am staying in Zubiri. I am in a room with a group of French women who started walking on April 19 in Le Puy, France. They will walk 1600 km or approximately 1000 miles by the time they finish. I am in awe of them. They have welcomed me in and in some ways taken me under their wings. Two of the women are older and when I was heading up a hill they both told me to slow down in French, but I understood what they meant, take it slow, pace yourself. 

I've met some wonderful people, been able to enjoy nature, be silent and listen, been challenged with each step--and it is only day two.  I feel very blessed

Tripping into grace again...

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