Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thank you for being patient

Today's word is patience. I started the day realizing how much I needed to pray. 

I started to utter the words Lord help me. But something stopped me. And instead the word patience was in my head and my heart. It was coming out of my mouth out loud. Fortunately I was walking alone. I spent much of today walking alone. But when I did walk with people it was encouraging and in many ways still silent because of language barriers. 

My prayer ended up being:

God, thank you for being patient with me. 
Teach me to accept it. 

God, thank you for the patience others have for me. May I receive it graciously. And may it continue. 

God, help me to be patient with myself. And when I am not give me space, and time and grace to forgive myself. 

God, help me in that forgiveness of myself and in your patience of me and in others' patience of me to be patient with others...those who are cruel as well as those who are kind for you do not seem to distinguish. 

I realized the words became a mantra for me today. And in it was a gift. Patience is just that...a gift that come with forgiveness which begins in one's own heart...and yet at times seems so daunting. But when it did for me today I started back at the beginning...

God, thank you for being patient with me. 
Teach me to accept it. 

God, thank you for the patience others have for me. May I receive it graciously. And may it continue...

...I will continue to do that. 

Today was an amazing day. 


  1. I will use this prayer in my daily life, patience is one of my greatest challenges. Thanks for sharing

  2. Being patient is not my strong suit. You are, at times, very patient. Especially, with me and understanding my frustrations with being impatient.

    Hugs, Love, Peace and Prayers!!


  3. I have never graduated from the Patience lesson. It is hard. Thank you for sharing your prayers. I am going to use them. A preacher told me 14 years ago that "Maybe God is trying to teach you patience Debbie" Well like I said, I have not graduated yet!
    I cannot believe how much you have shared since you started this journey such a short time ago. Thank you! I look forward to your posts every day. I log onto FB thinking of you and go straight to your page to see what you are sharing with us (or what new fun you have had).
