Saturday, May 16, 2015

Graduation Day-in honor of Jim and D-daddy

Today Jim Freeman takes steps across a stage, steps that represent time and work. He will receive his Doctor of Ministry degree. He has worked hard and he has earned the title. There is excitement in this final step and in today's ceremony but there is also a bittersweet element. 

Jim's father passed away a year ago and his presence is missed, missed by all of us. He was a source of joy and laughter. He was a calm in the midst of storms. He was fun. Always quick with a witty remark. David Freeman was a gentle man in the greatest sense of that word. He cared about people from the least to greatest; he loved his enemies even when his family held on to grudges for him. He worked tirelessly for issues of justice and peace. He loved his family. 

David got a Doctor of Ministry several years ago and we were all there cheering him on. Because of my understanding of the great cloud of witnesses I know he is here with us now too, especially with Jim today...And more than that I know that Jim is given the strength for today and everyday as he trips on into grace. 

In fact we all are given this same strength even when there are difficult days...especially when there are difficult days. 

So celebrate today Jim! Enjoy!! And know that you are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses who have run the race...and you are called to "say something about what you've seen!!"


  1. Congratulations Jim, we are all proud of you!

  2. Congratulations Jim, we are all proud of you!
