Thursday, July 2, 2015

Thursday June 25, 2015 photos

Early morning walking is so cool and pleasant. 

The sights and sounds are incredible. 

People take breaks wherever the can find them. 

Scarecrows in the distance

Pilgrims at break...the beer is called peregrina (feminine pilgrim). 

Young pilgrims walking beside older woman. 

I got caught!!!

Look at these planted in the palm tree!!!

Coming into Pedrouza the last village I slept in before getting up early and walking into Santiago. 

Several people asked about my feet. This is one of the ways I tape them to keep them from blistering and hurting. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I love the flowers in the palm tree. Also the picture of the older lady catching you photographing her. LOL!!! The scenery is beautiful as always. I know you hear this so often, but thank you for taking this adventure on and sharing it with all of us. I would love to do a trip like this but I don't have your courage to go it alone. Many blessings to you my dear friend! <3
