Monday, May 23, 2016

"There's an App for that" maybe...

It was a struggle for me to consider getting  a Fitbit. It's not something that I was very concerned with and everyone else was doing it. But my new friend Roy Howard had said how many steps he had taken to prepare for the Camino and another friend asked if I was preparing? How many steps had I taken? A few. Oh wait you want an actual number I can't give that to you. 

So for my birthday, two months before I left for Spain I got my new Fitbit. I started being fascinated by the numbers...steps, miles (translate to kms), floors. How far can I get? Can I stay ahead or along side the other Fitbit steppers? It became a game. 

My French friends I walked with were always fascinated by the calories made us feel like we could eat anything!

A year later I'm on my second Fitbit (about to wear it out). And I t's still fascinating to count steps, miles, floors and calories. 

But honestly I think I'd like an app that showed me some fun and meaningful things: Would it read smiles given, encouraging words spoken? Time taken to sit with someone face to face? Could it show a friend in need? 

Or maybe that just takes being aware: of self, those around you, and the world. 

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