Saturday, July 3, 2010

Traveling Faith’s Journey

On Sunday night we sang a hymn at the evening’s opening which helped to supply the title for the blog I wrote for this day. I’m several days behind posting which frustrates me and I never know whether to catch up or to just keep moving on. So, I think I will just keep moving on and if there are stories and anecdotes that fit in then I will add them in at appropriate times. Sunday was a busy day and it proved to be what each day was going to be like. We had guests coming and going from the house most of the day; we got a tour of where we are staying and the surrounding area, it was quite nice. Then a large company of guest came in for a wonderful organ concert in Dunblane Cathedral, followed by evening service, dinner and coffee with all of our guests. This is where I got to meet Ian Fraser (a former warden of Scottish Churches House). I have read books through the years by Ian Fraser and now I finally got to meet him. It was delightful.

Kevin Franz the chaplain at the Gartnaval Royal Hospital in Glasgow gave a lecture entitled “A new vessel coming to land”. He talked about how one of the tests of a community is how welcoming it is to the “other”. And that “a vision of the future is perhaps for communities to be a place of safety and security where we can learn and listen to those who seem to be the weakest and then to hear what they alone can tell us.” It reminded me of what Jesus said, “When you do it to the least of these you do it to me.” It also reminded me of how the prophets spoke of justice and mercy for the least in our society. I wonder what would happen if our leaders began looking at the needs of those among us who have no voice?

Listen to the words from Edwin Muir’s Autobiography (paraphrased somewhat), “We receive more than we can ever give…we receive it from the past, from which we draw with every breath, from the Source of mystery itself by the means which religious people call grace.”

The song that I talked about at the beginning is one written by John Bell and Graham Maule and it is entitled Jesus Christ is waiting. Each verse is provocative and challenging “Jesus Christ is waiting, waiting in the streets; Jesus Christ is angry, raging in the streets, where injustice spirals; Jesus Christ is healing, Listen, Lord Jesus, I have pity too; let my care be active, healing, just like you; Jesus Christ is dancing…where each sign of hatred, he, with love defeats, let me dance with you. And finally the last verse:

Jesus Christ is calling,

calling in the streets,

‘Who will join my journey?

I will guide their feet.’

Listen, Lord Jesus,

let my fears be few;

walk one step before me,

I will follow you.

I am constantly confronted with the realization that I receive more than I can ever give! I awake realizing that God is calling, despite my fears and insecurities and that I am called to join God’s journey (even though I often want God to follow me); however, I am called to follow Christ and let the Spirit guide me.

God’s blessings to each one of you, who have written me, called me, sent me a message, and prayed for me. I am praying for you as well.

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