Tuesday, August 25, 2015

grace in perspective

On September 2, I will have my first public speaking engagement about my Camino experience. Oh, I have told a couple of stories in sermons and around tables but this will be the first time that I talk for a period of time about my experiences, what I did, what I learned, what I saw, and have a question and answer time. Here is some of what I will share.
         On the Comino I learned about Community. I realized more than ever that it is a gift­­––a beautiful, extraordinary gift. The communities back home as well as the transient community that I was traveling in and with and through during the Camino. I was placed in a variety of ever-changing communities that helped me and I was able to help while at the same time being tethered (anchored if you will) to various communities at home—family, friends, church, organizations.
         I learned about Gratitude. A cup of water, a bed at night, a bathroom, a shower, a place to sit and rest were gifts of enormous grace. Not to mention the beauty of creation, the landscape, the hospitality and kindness of the local people who kindly helped lost pilgrims pointing them on their WAY. And so many other little things. A note from a friend. A flower. A sign along the WAY.
         I grew in my Faith. My trust in my Creator has always been deep but through this experience of walking 800 miles, of wandering, following markers in the shape of shells and arrows, of blisters and sore feet, of frustrating days and restless nights, rainy days and sweltering heat, beautiful sunrises and incredible sunsets, saying goodbye to new friends and returning home, sitting in church feeling unwelcome and walking the Way feeling the Spirit’s presence ALL the WAY—my faith deepened. My faith grew. I felt the Good Shepherd leading me through green pastures, through dark valleys—I felt lifted on eagles wings—I felt the hand of God gently on my back pushing me along giving me an endurance that was not my own and a perseverance that was unfailing and I knew was the Spirit of God. And my faith grew.
         And through my faith growing I am learning a Peace and Patience. That doesn’t mean that I won’t or don’t get impatient or unsettled. But it does mean that I do have a different Perspective on things than I did before. And that Perspective helps me to know what it feels like to carry all of my belongings on my back, to wash my clothes in the sink and hope they dry by morning, and a beauty regimen consisting of putting my hair up in a ponytail or just washing my hair with water and letting the wind dry it—nothing more.
         I am still learning Peace and Patience—this, as my family will tell you is a growing edge for me. But I am learning to be at peace with my past, with mistakes, with successes, with failures, with joys, with things left undone, with things yet to come. And I am learning patience first with myself so that I can also be patient with others.
         The Camino gave me the first steps on a journey toward learning more about community, gratitude, faith, peace, patience, and perspective. I look forward to where God continues to guide me...and you...thank you for coming with me...
buen camino...

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