Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Running into Grace-Part 2

Participating in the half marathon was a real highlight for me, despite the lack of training and the extreme soreness. When I saw that there was a 5K on May 2010 for MacArthur Park I decided to sign up. For some reason as the MacArthur Park run got closer all I could remember about the half marathon was that I finished. I didn't remember the soreness, I didn't remember the promises I made to myself to train and prepare for another run. The MacArthur Park Run was an evening run. So, on that coolish Friday evening a group of people started gathering at the museum. It was a small group gathered for this run at least it seemed that way to me. But then all I had to compare it to was the Race for the Cure and the Little Rock Marathon. As Lindsay (my daughter and running buddy) and I waited to run, Jim (my husband) encouraged us. When we began the race it was fine but we'd barely made it half a mile before I started breathing hard and felt like I needed to walk instead of run. Lindsay encouraged me to keep going. But when a fat little dog and it's owner passed us I knew I was in trouble and I might as well walk a spell. We did run more but for the most part we walked that 5K, both of us feeling the lack of training. I knew then that if I was serious about running in the next half marathon or even walking in it, or if I ever intended to run in another 5K I was going to have to prepare and train. So what does all this have to do with Tripping into Grace? Everything....


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